Prof. Meikang Qiu | Professor at Augusta University, Georgia
Prof. Meikang Qiu
Professor at Augusta University, Georgia
Short Bio
Meikang Qiu received the BE and ME degrees from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and received a Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from University of Texas at Dallas. Currently, He is a full professor at Augusta University. He is an ACM Distinguished Member. He is also the Highly Cited Researcher in 2021 from Web of Science and IEEE Distinguished Visitor in 2021-2023. He is the Chair of IEEE Smart Computing Technical Committee. Till now his Google scholar citation is 23400+ and H-index 102. His research interests include Cyber Security, AI, Big Data, Smarting Computing, Embedded systems, etc. He has published extensively in top conferences such as ACM CCS, ICML, IJCAI, DAC, and many IEEE/ACM Transactions. His paper on Tele-health system has won IEEE Systems Journal 2018 Best Paper Award. His paper about data allocation for hybrid memory has been published in IEEE Transactions on Computers has been selected as IEEE TCSC 2016 Best Journal Paper and hot paper (1 in 1000 papers by Web of Science) in 2017. His paper published in IEEE Transactions on Computers about privacy protection for smart phones has been selected as a Highly Cited Paper in 2017-2020. He also won ACM Transactions on Design Automation of Electrical Systems (TODAES) 2011 Best Paper Award. He has won another 10+ Conference Best Paper Awards in recent years.
Talk Abstract
In this talk, a detailed research topic about AI Cybersecurity will be presented by Professor Meikang Qiu. An advanced gradient-based approach for the mitigation of adversarial attacks in Deep Neural Networks (DNN) was proposed by our group. The proposed approach adopts a random distortion transformation defense method called RDG (Random Distortion over Grids), which was combined with non-linear defenses to thwart adversarial attacks. Extensive evaluation has demonstrated the efficiency of this state-of-the-art defense approach.