Dr. Ahmed Ali Abdel-Hafez Ahmed
Dr. Ahmed Ali Abdel-Hafez Ahmed
Vice President for Cyber Security Affairs, National Telecommunication Regulatory Authority (NTRA), Egypt.
Short Bio
Dr. Ahmed has B.Sc. and M.Sc., in Electrical Engineering from Military Technical College (MTC) in 1990, 1997 respectively, he has a Ph.D. from the University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Canada in 2003.
Dr. Ahmed has more than 32 years’ experience in the field of Telecommunication Systems, he is Certified as a Consultant in Information Security Systems Since 2013 (Engineering Syndicate of Egypt) and was responsible for establishing and developing Cryptography Research Center (CRC) (Egyptian MOD) including the management, supervision, and capacity building of center staff, and became a Head of the Center for 8 years whereby led the design, development of a National Encryption Algorithm, and production of different cryptosystems for the defense and governmental sectors.
DR. Ahmed worked as Visiting Lecturer/Professor in numerous top universities in Egypt, where he has Academic Supervision of PhD and MSc students in top universities in Egypt (30+ researcher) and has 70+ international publications in peer reviewed scientific journals and in academic conferences.
Dr. Ahmed chairs the Executive Bureau of The Egyptian Supreme Cybersecurity Council as well as a prime member of the Egyptian Supreme Cybersecurity Council.
Dr. Ahmed has awarded with the Second-Class Order of the Republic by the President of Egypt, Abdel Fattah Al-Sisi, (in 2020) for his significant and distinguished contributions.