Prof. Meikang Qiu
Prof. Meikang Qiu
Dr. Meikang Qiu received the BE and ME degrees from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and received Ph.D. degree of Computer Science from University of Texas at Dallas in 2007. Dr. Qiu comes to us with a background in Cyber Security, Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and Cloud Computing. Gaining expert-level knowledge of theory and practice in many fields of Cyber Security, Machine Learning, and Artificial Intelligence, he had produced many novel results, which have been published in 500+ peer-reviewed journal/conference papers, 20+ books, and 3 patents. He is the winner of 10+ Best Paper Awards in recent years on IEEE/ACM international journals and conferences and is or was the associate editor of more than 10 international journals, including IEEE Transactions on Computers and IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing. He is the Chair of IEEE Smart Computing Technical Committee. His paper on cloud systems has won IEEE Systems Journal 2018 Best Paper Award. He has received 2018 Middle Career Researcher Award from TCSC of IEEE Computer Society. His research has been funded by NSF, Air Force, Navy, and many companies. He is the General Chair/Program Chair of a dozen of IEEE/ACM international conferences, such as IEEE TrustCom, IEEE BigDataSecurity, IEEE CSCloud, and IEEE HPCC. He has won Navy Summer Faculty Award in 2012 and Air Force Summer Faculty Award in 2009