Prof. Ahmed G. Radwan
Prof. Ahmed G. Radwan
Prof. Ahmed G. Radwan (SMIEEE, Fellow-AAS) is the Vice-President for Research, Nile University, Egypt. He is the Founder and general co-Chair of NILES International Conference https://www.nilesconf.org/ , and also the Founder of the Undergraduate Research Forum (UGRF) at Nile University https://ugrf.nu.edu.eg/ . He has a total number of indexed publications of 450, 9600 citations and h-index: 51 according to Scopus. He is Co-inventor of 6 US patents, author/co-author of 10 international books as well as 26 book chapters in the highly ranked publishers. Prof. Radwan is leading the fractional-order and chaotic circuits tracks worldwide. He is an associate editor in 4 prestigious Scopus-indexed journals. Some of his prestigious Awards: The State Encouragement Award, The State Excellence Award, Abdul Hameed Shoman Award, Scopus Award in Engineering and Technology, Prof. Tarek Khalil Award for Distinguished Leadership from Nile university and many more. He managed funded projects with budgets over 1M$ and supervised more than 40 (Master's & Ph.Ds). He received many research grants as Principal Investigator (PI), CO-PI, and Consultant from different national/international organizations. He was Invited to be Lead/Guest Editors in Journal of Circuits, Systems and Signal Processing, and Journal of Mathematical Problems in Engineering, and Complexity. He organized many special sessions and participated as Technical Program Committee (TPC) in various international conferences. He was selected as a member of the first scientific council of Egyptian Young Academy of Sciences (EYAS) as well as in the first scientific council of the Egyptian Center for the Advancement of Science, Technology, and Innovation (ECASTI) to empower and encourage Egyptian young scientists in science and technology and build knowledge-based societies.