Dr. Yuhong Liu
Dr. Yuhong Liu
Associate Professor in the Department of Computer Engineering at Santa Clara University, received her B.S. and M.S. degrees from Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications in 2004 and 2007 respectively, and her Ph.D. degree from the University of Rhode Island in 2012 under the supervision of Dr. Yan (Lindsay) Sun. She is the recipient of the 2019 Researcher of the Year Award at School of Engineering, Santa Clara University, and the 2013 University of Rhode Island Graduate School Excellence in Doctoral Research Award. Her research interests include trustworthy computing and cyber security of emerging applications, such as Internet-of-things, blockchain, and online social media. She has published over 60 papers in prestigious journals and peer-reviewed conferences. Her papers have been selected as the best paper at the IEEE International Conference on Social Computing 2010 (acceptance rate = 13%) and the 9th International Conference on Ubi-Media Computing (UMEDIA 2016). She is actively contributing to professional societies including IEEE and APSIPA. She is a senior member of IEEE, and currently serving as the Chair of IEEE Computer Society STC Executive Committee Board, the Chair of the IEEE Computer Society Technical Meeting Request Committee, and IEEE Computer Society Distinguished Visitor(2021~2022). She has also served as an APSIPA Distinguish Lecturer, the secretary of the APSIPA U.S. Chapter, and a member of the Multimedia Security and Forensics (MSF) TC for Asia-Pacific Signal and Information Processing Association (APSIPA)