2nd IEEE Computer Society R8 Digital Transformation Workshop

2nd IEEE Computer Society R8 Digital Transformation Workshop

The main objective of the 2nd IEEE Computer Society R8 Digital Transformation Workshop is to provide opportunities for European, African, and Arab IEEE CS members to network, learn, and collaborate. Through this workshop,  IEEE CS members will have the chance to attend talks and sessions led by experts in the field, participate in group discussions, and connect with fellow students who share their passion for computer science. From a technical perspective, this workshop aims to provide IEEE CS members with the necessary knowledge and skills to master the pillars of emerging technologies and apply them to solving real-world problems. Through a series of expert talks, panel discussions, and training sessions, IEEE CS members will gain a deep understanding of digital transformation and its impact on society, businesses, and individuals. They will also learn about the latest tools and techniques for developing innovative solutions and creating value in the digital era. The ultimate goal is to empower IEEE CS members to become leaders in their communities and drive positive change in the world.